Relying on its V2X expertise, LACROIX City works with Autopistas and experiments near Girona (Girona) with a dynamic signalling solution that communicates with new generations of connected vehicles.


Autopistas, a company of the Abertis Group, wanted to link conventional vehicles with the new generations of connected cars. The road operator work on the devlopment  of a network enabling communication between the control center, the DMx and the vehicle via an Ethernet, fibre optic and/or 4G connection. This network must be able to manage several scenarios of road deployments as on a traditional variable message sign.


LACROIX City’s Dynamic Message Sign is the base of this new V2X experimentation case, under the scope of INFRAMIX project. We embed a V2X Road Side Unit (RSU) on our management CPU core, and transmit through the antennas the V2X message for incoming and outcoming traffic in other to broadcast it to connected vehicles.

The system architecture consists on a DMx device connected to the control centre, that translate signage scenarios into V2X information and broadcast it to connected vehicles that pass through the installation site. With this transparent translation technology our DMXROAD V2X stablish and easy to deploy V2X communication point on any of our Variable Message Sign devices.

During the tests, simulations were made with a vehicle with a driver inside it which, using a state-of-the-art technology network, received data on three different scenarios:

  • Dynamic Lane Assignment : evaluate the opening of a lane dedicated to autonomous vehicles and the various signs that can be observed during the circuit.
  • Work on the motorway: announce a work area by signposting both the variable message panels, the gantries and trolleys located on the hard shoulder prior to the start of the work.
  • Roadblocks: evaluate the application of traffic strategies that would help improve traffic flow and road safety.



“DMXROAD V2X from LACROIX City allow us to drive all the scenarios proposed and provide a step up on the deployment of V2X technology on our roads.

LACROIX City solution consist on a third generation Dynamic Message Sign that communicate with the road user and the connected vehicles and becomes on V2X dynamic message signs.

Cooperation of Autopistas and LACROIX City teams makes possible a simple and feasible technology deployment.

Xavier Daura, Innovation Manager at Autopistas, a company of Abertis Group

Abertis group, AP7 Girona in a few figures:

  • 15 countries
  • 8 200 km high-capacity track around the world (management direct and indirect)
  • 14 119 collaborators
  • Turnover 5 255 M€