The Tornado is a 36 months project  with interactions between autonomous vehicles and infrastructures for mobility services in low-density areas.

Syncro : “Sensored” V2X corridor


Syncro project is the deployment of « Sensored » V2X corridor between France and Italy to meet interurban needs. Road status about weather and traffic are communicated through V2X connectivity.

Compass 4D : A 7 cities project


Cooperative Mobility Pilot on Safety and Sustainability Services for Deployment with installations in Bordeaux France (firsts traffic lights connected​​), Copenhagen, Eindhoven-Helmond, Newcastle, Tessaloniki, Verona, Vigo. This project includes 3 use cases : Road Hazard Warning, Red Light Violation Warning and Energy Efficient Intersection service.

Drive C2X : Implementation and Evaluation of C2X communication technology in Europe

c2x project

The field trials are involving seven test sites all across Europe and proved the safety and efficiency benefits of cooperative systems. More than 750 drivers successfully tested eight safety-related functions of cooperative systems.

Urban lab

urban lab

As part of the Paris & Co Urban Lab project, LACROIX has deployed its solutions on the theme “Organizing travel and flows and improving neighborhood accessibility”.

The system in place makes it possible to streamline traffic intelligently, at junctions and pedestrian crossings. The mechanism autonomously prioritizes users, public transport or emergency vehicles, making it possible to secure and optimize mobility, to make more enjoyable neighborhoods.